1. Minos- a legendary king at Knossos on Crete in A.D. 1900.
2. Dorians- a new wave of barbarian invaders.
3. Ionians- the mycenaeabs that escaped to asia minor and attica.
4. Hellenes- greeks of classical times who made such great contributions to western civilization.
5. Homer- a poet that had great influence on the greeks.
6. Odysseus- a brave greek warrior in the Odyssey.
7. Hesiod- a poet who also supposedly lived on mount olympus.
8. Zeus- the chief and father of the gods.
9. Archilles- a hero in the iliad.
10. Darius I- the new persian king, demanded the greeks submit to him.
11. Xerxes- darius's son, detemmined to conquer greece.
12. Leonidas- spartan leader that ordered most of his troops to withdraw.
13. Themistocles- tricked Xerxes into fighting a naval battle in a narrow strait.
14. Herodotus- "father of history". described the persian invasions.
15. Draco- he was demanded to prepare a code of law.
16. Solon- he was elected archon.
17. Peisistratus- seized control of the city and became the first tyrant of athens.
18. Cleisthenes- he emerged as the new champion of the common people.
19. Pericles- an aristocrat who dominated athens from 461 to 429 B.C..
20. Philip II- in 359 B.C., he became king of macedinia.
21. Demosthenes- he urged his fellow greeks to unite against the macedonian threat.
... I told you i wouldnt finish it! now i'm gonna fail.
Midterm Review - Chapter 1 & 2 Test
15 years ago
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