Chapter 9 Review:
1) Messiah- Jesus.
5) Domitian- Roman emperor who proclaimed himself "Lord and God".
9) Marcus Aurelius- Known for "The Great Persecution". Also, he hated Christians. During his reign, the people cried, "Feed the Christians to the lions!".
13) Irenaeus- Pupil of Polycarp. Martyred during his time.
17) Origen- He argued against both Gonosticism and Monarchianism and wrote the "first book of systematic theology in the early church.
21) Diocletian, Maximian- Emperors that proclaimed themselves "Our Lord" and Diocletian demanded worship as Jupiter incarnate, the father of gods.
25) Aristides- A Christian apologists.
29) Athanasius- A church father in the fourth century A.D.
33) Theodosius I- Made Christianity the only legal faith in the Roman Empire.
1) Synagogues- Worship centers for Christian believers.
2) Gentiles, proselytes- Non-Jews: Converts.
3) Martyr- Murdered ad/or tortured Christians.
4) Book of the Revelation- The book of Revelation, written by John.
5) Catacombs- Subterranean galleries beneath Rome, where Christains would meet.
6) Edict of Milan- Extended protection and recognition to Christians throughout the empire.
7) Church Fathers- Defenders of faith between the years of 96 A.D - 451 A.D.
8) Apologists- Those who attempted to reasonably defend Christianity against pagan defamations.
9) Monarchianism- Denied the doctrine of the Trinity.
10) Latin Vulgate- "Common, vernacular"
11) Creeds- Confession of faith.
12) Apostle's Creed, Nicene Creed, Athanasian Creed- The Apostle's Creed was developed between the second and fifth centuries. The Nicene Creed, rejected the teaching of Arianism. The Athanasian Creed was the church's confession of faith.
13) Council of Nicaea, Arianism- The council that Nicaea had. Arianism is the false doctrine which denied the deity of Christ.
Chapter 4 Concept:
4) With Christianity being the only legal religion people flocked to the chruch so they would not be killed. They falsified their salvation and "acted" out their Christianity. And, they were not truly saved.
Chapter 10:
Midterm Review - Chapter 1 & 2 Test
15 years ago
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