Sahara-The biggest desert in the world.
Nile River-The longest river in the world.
Egypt-The seedbed of African culture.
Mizraim-The oldest name for Egypt.
Land of Ham-Name for Egypt.
Nomes-Small states of early Egypt.
Pharaohs-god-kings of Egypt.
Menes-The first pharaoh of Egypt.
The Gift of the Nile-The name Herodotus gave the Nile.
Hieroglyphics-Egyptian writing form.
Book of the Dead-Book that was buried with dead people.
Memphis-One of the most important cities in Egypt 12 miles south of Cairo. Known as Noph in the Bible.
Thebes-Another one of the most important cities located 150 miles south of Cairo.
Necropolis-The only remains of Thebes. Means "City of the Dead". It is one giant cemetery.
Pyramid-Symbolizes Egyptian government.
Monarchy-Ruled by one man.
Theocracy-Ruled by God.
Humanism-The worship of humans.
Naturalism-The worship of nature.
Polytheism-The worship of many gods.
Egyptian Tombs (pyramids)-Believed to serve as a house of eternity.
Great Pyramid of Cheops-The tomb of Cheops. It is one of the wonders of the world. It took nearly 100,000 workers 20 years to build. It covers 13 acres. Contained 2.3 million blocks of stone. 480 feet high.
King Tut-Pharaoh that died at 18.
Mummification-The preservation of dead bodies.
30 Dynasties-How Egyptian history is divided.
Old Kingdom-Dynasties 3-6. Cheops, Khafre and Menkaure.
Pyramids at Giza-The pyramids that were built during the Old Kingdom.
Great Sphinx-Head of a man, body of a lion. Looks like Khafre.
Middle Kingdom-11th dynasty. King Mentuhotep I. Establish the Capital at Thebes.
King Menuhotep I-Established the Capital at Thebes.
Hyksos-Asiatic warriors. Conquered the Middle Kingdom.
Ahmose I-Drove the Hyksos out of Egypt.
New Kingdom-18th-20th dynasty.
Hatshepshut-Moses's mom. The only female pharaoh.
Amenhotep II- Tut's son. May have been pharaoh during Exodus.
Later New Kingdom-21st-30th dynasty.
Ramses II-The most outstanding Egyptian monarch.
Alexander the Great-Conquered Egypt in 332 B.C.
Alexandria-The most important city in Alexander's empire. Had a library of over 700,000 ancient scrolls.
Lighthouse of Alexandria-A 440 ft. marble tower. One of the wonders of the world. Could cast a light 35 mi. off to sea. Destroyed in an earthquake.
1. Africa is the second largest continent
2. Divided into Upper and Lower Egypt
3. Became known as the "kingdom of two lands"
4. Heorodotus- the Greek father of history
Midterm Review - Chapter 1 & 2 Test
15 years ago
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