Section Review Chapter 5 1&2
2)Medeteranian Sea, Sahara, Red Sea
3)Kemet the sea bed of African cultures,land of HamAigyptos
4)because African culture strated there
5)lower Egypyt and upper Egypt,lower is in north egypt and upper is in south egypt, mennes
6)Near the Nile river
7)Egypt was the greatest and most magnificentpower of the ancient world.
8)It flooded and made the soil fertile and it sustained life
9)Napoleon invaded egypt and his men discovered a broken slab of black basalt near the town of rosetta. Champollion and other scholars deciphered it
10)Memphis and Thebes.
11)teh pyramid because it resembled the Social Arragement. Pharoah on top.Nobles in the middle and everyone else on bottom
12)They were humanistic, naturalistic and polytheistic in their religious faith. The egyptians treasured life in this world and did all in their power to ensure immorality in the next world.
1)Isthmus of Suez- connected Asia to Africa
2)Copts- ancient Egyptians
3)nomes- small states
4)Herodotus- "the father of history"
5)Nile Delta- a rich alluvian plain of fertile soil
6)hieroglyphics- written egyptian developed from picture writing into a highly elaborated system of some 700 characters
7)Book of the Dead- teh most important egyptian work. a book of prayers
8)necropolis- "city of the dead"
9)Great Pyramid of Cheops- one of the wonders of the world
10)Tutankhamen- a teenaged pharoah who died at 18
11)mummification- teh preservation of the bodies of the dead
Matt's scorez: 20%
Logan's Scores: 80%
For dat china game:
Matt: 50%
Logan: 20%
Midterm Review - Chapter 1 & 2 Test
15 years ago
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