Monday, November 30, 2009

Chapter 13 TEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


1) Celts- Earliest inhabitants of Great Britain.

2) Jutes, Angles, Saxons- Germanic tribes that arrived from the south of Denmark.

5) Alfred the Great- "The First Great King of England".

8) Harold Godwin- King of England after Edward the Confessor.

9) William the Conqueror- Won the Battle of Hastings. Brought fuedalism full force to England.

19) Joan of Arc- Stirred up patriotism in France and strnegthened the army with moral.

25) Hugh Capet- Ruled 987-996. Marked the beginning of the modern French nation.

26) Louis VI- Ruled 1108-1137. Strengthened power of king's power.

28) Louis IX- Ruled 1226-1270. France's most memorable king.

30) Bonafice VIII- Fought with Philip IV about a tax on the clergy without the people's consent.

33) Ferdinand and Isabella- Became king and queen pf Spain.

39) Marco Polo- Son of Italian merchant, who accompanied his father to China in 1271

42) Christopher Columbus- Thought he could sail to the "Indies" in 1492 by going West.
---------- QUESTIONS AND WAHT NOT:----------
- Who were the earliest known inhabitants of the British Isles? Celts

- What were the dates of the Hundred Years’ War? 1337-1453

- Which Germanic tribe conquered Spain in the 5th century? Visigoths

- Which name did the Romans give to Spain? Hispania

- These were Muslims from North Africa who invaded Spain: Moors

- What does “reconquista” mean? A re-conquest to take back Spain from the Moors

- Name 4 nations that developed in Europe during the Middle Ages. England, France,
Spain, and Portugal

- What is the name of the monument in Southern England that may have been an ancient
Celtic worship site? Stonehenge

- Which Germanic tribe named England? Anglo-Saxons

- Which Anglo-Saxon poet lived in the 7th century? Caedmon

- Who was crowned king of France in 987 AD? Hugh Capet

- Which French king was St. Louis, MO named after? Louis IX

- What was the French Estates-General composed of? Clergy, Nobles, and Commoners

- Which peninsula is Spain located on? Iberian

- Name 3 Germanic tribes. Angles, Jutes, Saxons

- Which countries fought during the Hundred Years’ War? Who won? England and France / France

Monday, November 9, 2009

Chapter 12 Review

Feudalism- Way of life based on ownership and use of land.
Fief- They worked the land.
Lord- Owned the land.
Vassal- Used the land but agreed to be in the lords army.
Knight- Appionted warriors that fought for the king.
Chivalry- Code of honor that knights had to swear to.
Heraldry- Colorful, unique symbols, Similar to a Coat of Arms.
Castle- Heavily fortified dwellings built for nobles.
Joust- A sport played betwwen knights.
Tournament- jousting that lasted an entire day.
Manor- Estates that belonged to the nobles.
Serf- Farmers that worked on the manors.
Truce of God- No fighting on sundays.
Peace of God-
Burg- community of traviling merchants.
Middle class- Burgers, between nobility and peasents.
Trade fair- Merchants from all over.
Guild- Consisted of merchants, artisans, and craftsmen.
Black death- Form of Bubonic Plague, 25 million people died in europe between 1334-1351(almost half of the European pop).
Chaucer- He wrote Cantiberry Tales.
Trivium- Grammer, Rhetoric, and logic, part of the medieval cirriculum.
Quadrivium- composed of arithmetic, music, geometry, and astronomy.
Scholasticism-an attempt to synthesize Greek philosophy with romanism.
Brethren of the Common Life- promoted the cultivation of the spiritual life through Bible reading, meditation, prayer, and personal piety while following Christ and serving others.
Humanism-intense interest in the subjects of the humanities.
Patron-people who used their own money to support the arts.
Sistine Chapel- painted by michelangelo.
Medicis- a leading banking family who ruled Florence, Italy.
Thomas Aquinas-one of the greatest scholastics. an Italian.
William of Ockham- the other one of the greatest scholastics. an Englishman.
John Wycliffe- the most outstanding scholar at the oxford univesity in the 14th century.
John Huss- was hrelped by wycliffe's writings to "see the light" was martyred by the council of Constance.
Gerhard Groote- a dutch contemporary of Wycliffe. organized the bretheren of common life.
Dante- wrote some of the modern literature. wrote the divine comedy.
Petrarch- called the "father of humanism" wrote his z'letters to ancient authors" as if Homer, Plato, and others where still alive to recieve them.
Bocaccio- the 1st great writer of prose in a modern language, wrote about the black death.
Michelangelo- may have the greatest of the renaissance of all time. painted the sistine chapel.
Flanders- was the location of one of the earliest industries. made woolen goods.
Machiavelli- wrote the only book of lasting importance produced by the Italian Renaissance. "The Prince"
Giotto- changed the art of painting greatly. tried to make poeple and things look real.
DaVinci- "renaissance man" was talented in painting, engeneering, sculpting, iventing, and music Prague-oldest German university.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Chapter 12: Section Review 1

1) What is the basis of the fuedal system?
A way of life.
2) Describe the relationship between lord and vassal.
The lord was the complete owner of the land and the vassal was the renter.
3) Describe a typical medieval castle. How was it defended?
It was really big and really tall and was usually made of stone. By a moat and a drawbridge.
4) List and descrbibe some popular pastimes of medieval nobles.
Jousting and fake games of war.
5) Who were the serfs? Compare their way of life to that of the nobles.
They were the people who worked on the nobles farms and land. They were really poor and had really sucky lives but the nobles had lots of money and what not.
6) Name two ways in which the church attempted to stop violence of fuedal times.
Truce of God and Peace of God.