Monday, December 14, 2009

Mid-Terms Review

Chapter 1&2!
1) History.
3) Before Christ.
4) Anno Domini
5) 3 Eras of History.
7) Tigris and Euphrates.
10) Civilization.
1) Culture
4) Monotheism
5) Polytheism.
10) Postdiluvian.
2) 4000BC-500 AD.

Chapter 3&4!
1) Mt. Everest
2) Dead Sea
4) Castle
10) India
14) Decalogue
15) Mt. Herob
2) Chou
7) Clan
9) Fuji
10) Archipelago
Short Answer:
2) 38th Parallel.
3) South.
4) North
12) Marco Polo
13) Chin Dynasty
14) Great Wallof China.
28) Pyongyang
29) Seoul

Chapter 5!
2) Sahara
3) Northeast corner of Asia.
5) Pharaohs.
8) Nile
10) Hieroglyphics.
1) Hieroglyphics.
4) Pyramid.
5) Egyptian Tomb.
6) King Tut.
7) Mummification.

Chapter 6!
1) becaue it was unexplored.
2)polar ice caps.
5) Sahara
6) Kalahari
7) Atlas
9) Lake Victoria
1) Ebed-Melech
4)Simon of Cyrene
5)Clement of Alexandria
Short Answer:

Chapter 7!
1) Black/Aegean
2) Corinth.
4) Homer.
5) The Iliad.
6) The Odyssey.
7) Zeus.
8) Apollo.
11) Ares.
13) Polis.
14) Acropolis.

Chapter 8!
2) Warm, Mediterranean.
3) Alps.
5) 753 BC
6) Forum.
7) Patricians.
8) Plebeians.
9) Paterfamilia.
12) Pantheon.
14) Pedagogue.
15) Roman Senate.
19) Conquest.
20) Legion.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Redempton Day Assignment!!!!!

-----Chapter 1 Review on page 9-----
1. A.D., B.C.- Anno domini, Before Christ
2. Evolution- A fabled process of progressive change dependent on chance and time, with the origin of life on earth.
3. Government- an institution that has both authority and power to control, direct and to rule in the action and affairs of others.
4. Sovereign- God has supreme power over all nations, rulers, and individuals.
5. Deluge- After the flood.
6. Capital punishment- the death penalty.
7. Postdiluvian- Post-flood.
8. Plain of shinar- Where Noah's had had settled.
9. Babel- A city (later known as Babylon).
10. Humanism- the worship of man.
11. Nation- a large group of people who think of themselves as one and act in history as a single entity.
12. Races- Several large groups that mankind is divided into.
13. Indo-European- The language that the japhetic people spoke.
1. Jesus' incarnation, birth, life, death, resurrection, and ascension.
2. 1,600
3. Shem, Ham, and Japheth.
4. Nimrod. The Rebel.
5. The tower of Babel.
6. Sumerians and Egyptians.
7. In Mesopotamia, the Plain of Shinar.
Chapter Concepts:
1. His Story. to know about our past.
2. language and thought, awareness andof the difference between right and wrong, and freedom to make choices. from God.
3. because history both progresses and declines.
4. before Christ, Time of Christ, and after Christ.
5. B.C. and A.D.. Amcient history, medieval history, and modern history.
6. God.
7. to keep order. we need to obey government and obey God.
8. The tower of Babel. God confused people and seperated people for what they did.
...once again, didnt finish.