Friday, October 30, 2009

Chapter 9/10 Test

Chapter 9 Review:

1) Messiah- Jesus.
5) Domitian- Roman emperor who proclaimed himself "Lord and God".
9) Marcus Aurelius- Known for "The Great Persecution". Also, he hated Christians. During his reign, the people cried, "Feed the Christians to the lions!".
13) Irenaeus- Pupil of Polycarp. Martyred during his time.
17) Origen- He argued against both Gonosticism and Monarchianism and wrote the "first book of systematic theology in the early church.
21) Diocletian, Maximian- Emperors that proclaimed themselves "Our Lord" and Diocletian demanded worship as Jupiter incarnate, the father of gods.
25) Aristides- A Christian apologists.
29) Athanasius- A church father in the fourth century A.D.
33) Theodosius I- Made Christianity the only legal faith in the Roman Empire.

1) Synagogues- Worship centers for Christian believers.
2) Gentiles, proselytes- Non-Jews: Converts.
3) Martyr- Murdered ad/or tortured Christians.
4) Book of the Revelation- The book of Revelation, written by John.
5) Catacombs- Subterranean galleries beneath Rome, where Christains would meet.
6) Edict of Milan- Extended protection and recognition to Christians throughout the empire.
7) Church Fathers- Defenders of faith between the years of 96 A.D - 451 A.D.
8) Apologists- Those who attempted to reasonably defend Christianity against pagan defamations.
9) Monarchianism- Denied the doctrine of the Trinity.
10) Latin Vulgate- "Common, vernacular"
11) Creeds- Confession of faith.
12) Apostle's Creed, Nicene Creed, Athanasian Creed- The Apostle's Creed was developed between the second and fifth centuries. The Nicene Creed, rejected the teaching of Arianism. The Athanasian Creed was the church's confession of faith.
13) Council of Nicaea, Arianism- The council that Nicaea had. Arianism is the false doctrine which denied the deity of Christ.

Chapter 4 Concept:
4) With Christianity being the only legal religion people flocked to the chruch so they would not be killed. They falsified their salvation and "acted" out their Christianity. And, they were not truly saved.

Chapter 10:

Monday, October 26, 2009

1) Nations that Christianity is outlawed in.
2) Asia.
3] a) North Korea
b) Chiapas

c) Belarus

d) Kyrgyzstan

e) Bhutan

f) Brunei

4) It is a church organization that helps people and churches who are persecuted throughout the world.
5) You can help by prayer and giving money to help support their efforts.
6)Pastor Richard Wurmbrand and Sabina (Oster) Wurmbrand.

1)Japanese Christian martyrs to be beatified.
SUMMARY: Some Samurai warriors, along with their children and wives, were tortured for being Christians. They were bioled in hot springs, and killed.

2)More Than 15,000 Bibles Confiscated in Malaysia.
SUMMARY: Malaysian LOSERS have confiscated 15,000 Bibles. This being, because the Bibles had the term "God" and not "Allah".

3)Muslim-Christian Clashes Erupt After Murder of Villager.
SUMMARY: Muslims and Christians clashed in southern Egypt on Saturday. Following an earlier murder of a Christian villager by attackers accusing his son of having an affair with a Muslim, according to witnesses.

4)Man With Knife Attacks Christians in Egypt.
SUMMARY: ALEXANDRIA, Egypt — A man with a knife attacked worshippers at Coptic churches in this northern Egyptian city Thursday, killing a 78-year-old man and wounding five before he was arrested, the government said. About 600 Copts, mostly young men, later gathered outside the scene of one of the attacks to protest what they viewed as government indifference to the attacks. "Stop the persecution of Copts in Egypt," read one banner. Blood was visible on the steps of Saints Church.

5)Crosses in a City Logo Draws Fire.
SUMMARY: In New Mexico, the city of Las Cruces, Spanish for 'the crosses,' is under fire because of the religious implications of the official logo. A federal lawsuit seeks to have the logo, which depicts three adjoining crosses, changed to something that does not include any reference to Christianity.


It is being used to prevent Christains from being persecuted by informing other people of their hardships and what not.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Section Review 1 p.143, and Identify:

1. Rome was at peace and the good news could travel quickly. Men could travel without fear of entering "enemy country".
2. Herod the Great.
3. Apostles.
4. 100 AD.
5. Many people were won to Christ. They recognized the pristine character of early disciples.

1. Synagogues- where they read the Old Testament Scriptures in Hebrew and Aramaic.
2. Gentiles- joined the Jews as proselytes.
3. Proselytes- "converts" joined Jews in longing for the Messiah.
4. Messiah- "anointed one".
5. Church- local assemblies or bodies of believer.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Chapter 8 section review 1, plus identify (p. 125):


Random work stuff...

a. Your fate awaits- From time to time some of your people pick a fight with the Romans. But you're no match against the Roman army. If you're not killed in battle, then don't expect to be shown any mercy, you'll be taken prisoner and marched off to the city of Rome. If you survive the long journey you face an uncertain future.
b. Gotcha!- The Roman soldiers wear armour and follow a carefully worked-out battle plan. The Gauls are not so well organised. The fighting is soon over and unfortunately for you your tribe lose the battle. You are one of the prisoners and you are about to begin a new life.
c. Sold!- After capture by the army you are passed on to a slave-dealer, who buys and sells slaves. The dealer takes you to a slave market where you stand on a platform for everyone to see. Slaves with diseases are made to hold a sign so that people know there is something wrong with them. The slave-dealer asks people to call out prices and he will sell you to the person who pays the most.
d. Oh No!- Your new owner has decided you will be sent to a ludus gladiatorius – a school where slaves, criminals and other wretches are trained to fight as gladiators. Once inside, the gates will be locked and there will be no escape. You'll be trained to fight by a lanista or ‘butcher’, an old gladiator whose fighting days are over.
e. Who's who...- In your training you will have learned how to fight as one particular type of gladiator. It has cost your owner a lot of money to buy you, feed, train and equip you for the contest. Now you must be victorious – winning is all that matters. If you lose, you die!
f. Fight!- The games are about to begin. Your moment of glory is upon you – you hope. But first, you must entertain the crowd.
g. Ouch!- As you lie on the sandy floor of the arena, he brings his dagger to your throat. You must think fast – you may have only seconds to live. There’s only one thing you can do: appeal to the emperor.
h. It's over!- It seems the crowd showed you no mercy and the retarius was the winner of the contest. While your body is dragged from the arena, the victorious gladiator is presented with his prizes.

Friday, October 9, 2009

pointless work for redemption day that I am not going to finish.....

1. Minos- a legendary king at Knossos on Crete in A.D. 1900.
2. Dorians- a new wave of barbarian invaders.
3. Ionians- the mycenaeabs that escaped to asia minor and attica.
4. Hellenes- greeks of classical times who made such great contributions to western civilization.
5. Homer- a poet that had great influence on the greeks.
6. Odysseus- a brave greek warrior in the Odyssey.
7. Hesiod- a poet who also supposedly lived on mount olympus.
8. Zeus- the chief and father of the gods.
9. Archilles- a hero in the iliad.
10. Darius I- the new persian king, demanded the greeks submit to him.
11. Xerxes- darius's son, detemmined to conquer greece.
12. Leonidas- spartan leader that ordered most of his troops to withdraw.
13. Themistocles- tricked Xerxes into fighting a naval battle in a narrow strait.
14. Herodotus- "father of history". described the persian invasions.
15. Draco- he was demanded to prepare a code of law.
16. Solon- he was elected archon.
17. Peisistratus- seized control of the city and became the first tyrant of athens.
18. Cleisthenes- he emerged as the new champion of the common people.
19. Pericles- an aristocrat who dominated athens from 461 to 429 B.C..
20. Philip II- in 359 B.C., he became king of macedinia.
21. Demosthenes- he urged his fellow greeks to unite against the macedonian threat.

... I told you i wouldnt finish it! now i'm gonna fail.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Chapter 7 stuff

Q) What was the first form of government for the Greek city-states? What two groups acted as advisors for this form of government?
A) Monarchy. Council of Elders and Assembly.
Q) What is the difference between aristrocracy and oligarthy? Describe the cycle of governments in Greek city-states.
A) Aristocracy is "ruled by the best" and oligarthy is "ruled by the few".
Q) Explain how democracy worked in ancient Greece.
A) Ruled by the common people.
Q) Describe the Spartan government and society. How were Spartans children prepared to serve the state? Why did Sparta make no great contributions to civlization?
A) One ruling class could participate in government.
Q) How did Solon's law differ from Draco's? Which were better? Why?

Section Review #3:
Q) What Macedonian king conquered Greece? What organization of Greek city-states did he found? What was the overall plan?
A) Phillip II.
Q) In what year did Alexander the Great cross the Hellespont and begin his conquest of the Persian empire?
A) 334 B.C.
Q) Describe the extent of Alexander's conquest. What ended his conquest? How did he die?
A) He dominated the entire eastern Mediterranean. He died through poison.
Q) What was Alexander's most lasting contribution to world history? How important was this contribution?
A) The spread of Greek culture. VERY IMPORTANT!!!!
Q) What three ruling dynasties came out of Alexander's empire? What areas did each dynasty rule?
A) Ptolemies(Egypt), Seleucids(Syria, Mesopatamia and Persia), and Antigonids(Macedonia and part of Greece).