Monday, September 28, 2009

Study Guide

What kind of progress was made while Africa was ruled by Europeans?
Government, established schools , and built roads/railroads , new cities and hospitals.
What are Africians most pressing needs today?
The gospel, foods and shelter, and education.
African Landscapedeserts-2/5 of Africa
Sahara-north Africa

Kalahari-south Africa
Savanna-vast tracks of and characterized by wet&dry seasons.covered by grass and shrubs.
Mountains-atlas mt. range & Mt.Kilimanjaro.

Atlas Mountain Range-Africas longest mountain range
Mt.Kilimanjaro-tallest mountain in AfricaNile River-longest river in africa
Lake Victoria-Africas largest lake.
Great rift valley-largest rift in earths surface
African History began shortly after the...Flood
Ebed Melech-helped prophet Jeremiah when he was cast into prison by King Zedekiah.
Unnamed Ethiopian-most famous Cushite in world history,treasurer for Queen Candace of Cush. Philip lead this treasurer to Christ
Eunuch-casturated man who protected the queen.
Edesius and Frumentius-around 300 a.d. these 2 were ship wrecked and taken to Ethiopia as slaves. Preached the gospel there. credited with bringing Christianity to Africa.
Alexandria, EGYPT-home to clement of alexandria.(150-215)
Cyrene,LIBYA-simmon was from here and he carried the cross for jesus
Carthage,TUNISIA-city of early church fathers tertullin(160-230) and cyprain(200-248)
Simon of Cyrene-caried the cross for Jesus
Clement of Alexandria-was from alexandria,egypt is the oldest surviving christian hymn.
African TradeSea trade-early as 1500 b.c.,africans were trading w/ asians . Africa gave iron,ivory,gold.Asia gave porcelain,precious stones,silk.Inland trade-b/t 300 and 1200 a.d.,ghana was trading w/ middle east arabs. Ghana gave gold,ivory and slaves. Middle east gave salt, copper, dried fruits.
Mali Empire-lasted from 1200-1500 a.d.,modern day gambia,guinea,mali and seegal.
Timbuktu-important trading center for mahli empire,famous center for learning and culture.
Songhai Empire-dominated west asia in 1500s/monopolized trade across the sahara.
"The White Mans Grave"-name for africa in the 19th centruy(1800s)/explorers in africa faced many obsticales:intense heat,malaria,sleeping sickness,&yellow fever.
Mungo Park-Explored africa from 1768-1773/explored the nile river.
Hugh Clapperton-explored africa from 1822-1824/1st european to to cross the sahara.
Alexander Laing-explored africa from 1825-1826/first european to reach timbuktu.
Robert Moffatt-explored africa from 1795-1883/one of the 1st missionaries to africa/he said,"I can see the smoke of a thousand villages where the name of Chirst has never been heard."
David Livingstone-went to africa in response to moffatts call for more missionaries'1st european to see Victoria falls(largest waterfall)/worked in africa many years, then went missing/american newspaper sent a reporter,Henry Stanley, to find him.
Africa in Modern TimesEuropean Rule-by WWI, only 2 african staes were independent....Ethiopia & Liberia
Progress-what kind?-government, established schools , and built roads/railroads , new cities and hospitals.
1950s and 1960s-a move toward independence from European rule. began with Ghana in 1957.
General Idi Amin-seized power in Uganda/ruled until 1979/devout muslim...killed and tortured as many as 300,000 people)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

1) Archaeologists examining bones.
2 Masai women reveal personal information with their jewelry.
3) A tourists watching the lions.
4) Nairobi....One of Africa's largest cities.
5) Lake Victoria.
6) The Kenyan flag.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Da stuff for Wednesday....

1)Tell me about Kenya's geography/landscape.
The terrain rises from low coastal plain on the Indian Ocean to mountains and plateaus at its center.
2)Where is Kenya? What's the capital?
Located in East Africa.
3)What lies WEST of Nairobi?
The Great Rift Valley.
4)Tell me about the animals in Kenya. What's set up to protect them?
Elephants, lions, cheetahs, giraffes, zebras, hippos and rhinos. Reserves and parks.
5)What 2 bodies of water is Kenya located between? How does this affect the culture
Indian Ocean and some other river.
6)Significance of N. Kenya & Tanzania?
May have been the original birthplace of humans.
7)Tell me about slavery there in 1600s, 1700s, and 1800s.
During the 1600's and 1700's, the slaves were kidnapped. During the 1800's, slavery was outlawed.
8)How many languages/ethnic groups are there?
60 languages. 40 ethnic groups.
9)Tell me about the kids & school.
They are too busy to go to school because they help their families.
10)What are some important parts of Kenyan culture?
Music and story-telling.
11)What's the current government of Kenya like?
A republic, with a president, a national assembly and a judiciary.
12)Official name? Form of Gov't? Population? Official Languages?
Republic of Kenya....Republic....33,830,000....Swahili, English.
13)Money? Mountain Ranges? Major rivers?

Kenyan shillings, Aberdare Range and Mau Escarpment....Athi/Galana Tana.

Da Photoz:
1) They be eating dem animal bones.
2) Some bald women wearing some neck braces.
3) That lion is about to eat dem peoplez!!!
4) It's NEW YORK.....In Africa!
5) It's some body of water and it looks shiny.
6) A SHIELD!!!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Sahara-The biggest desert in the world.
Nile River-The longest river in the world.
Egypt-The seedbed of African culture.
Mizraim-The oldest name for Egypt.
Land of Ham-Name for Egypt.
Nomes-Small states of early Egypt.
Pharaohs-god-kings of Egypt.
Menes-The first pharaoh of Egypt.
The Gift of the Nile-The name Herodotus gave the Nile.
Hieroglyphics-Egyptian writing form.
Book of the Dead-Book that was buried with dead people.
Memphis-One of the most important cities in Egypt 12 miles south of Cairo. Known as Noph in the Bible.
Thebes-Another one of the most important cities located 150 miles south of Cairo.
Necropolis-The only remains of Thebes. Means "City of the Dead". It is one giant cemetery.
Pyramid-Symbolizes Egyptian government.
Monarchy-Ruled by one man.
Theocracy-Ruled by God.
Humanism-The worship of humans.
Naturalism-The worship of nature.
Polytheism-The worship of many gods.
Egyptian Tombs (pyramids)-Believed to serve as a house of eternity.
Great Pyramid of Cheops-The tomb of Cheops. It is one of the wonders of the world. It took nearly 100,000 workers 20 years to build. It covers 13 acres. Contained 2.3 million blocks of stone. 480 feet high.
King Tut-Pharaoh that died at 18.
Mummification-The preservation of dead bodies.
30 Dynasties-How Egyptian history is divided.
Old Kingdom-Dynasties 3-6. Cheops, Khafre and Menkaure.
Pyramids at Giza-The pyramids that were built during the Old Kingdom.
Great Sphinx-Head of a man, body of a lion. Looks like Khafre.
Middle Kingdom-11th dynasty. King Mentuhotep I. Establish the Capital at Thebes.
King Menuhotep I-Established the Capital at Thebes.
Hyksos-Asiatic warriors. Conquered the Middle Kingdom.
Ahmose I-Drove the Hyksos out of Egypt.
New Kingdom-18th-20th dynasty.
Hatshepshut-Moses's mom. The only female pharaoh.
Amenhotep II- Tut's son. May have been pharaoh during Exodus.
Later New Kingdom-21st-30th dynasty.
Ramses II-The most outstanding Egyptian monarch.
Alexander the Great-Conquered Egypt in 332 B.C.
Alexandria-The most important city in Alexander's empire. Had a library of over 700,000 ancient scrolls.
Lighthouse of Alexandria-A 440 ft. marble tower. One of the wonders of the world. Could cast a light 35 mi. off to sea. Destroyed in an earthquake.

1. Africa is the second largest continent
2. Divided into Upper and Lower Egypt
3. Became known as the "kingdom of two lands"
4. Heorodotus- the Greek father of history

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

1)Tell me about rainfall in Egypt, and the importance of the Nile River.
It is very scarce..It ferilizes the land.
2)Egypt is divided into what 2 sections?
North and South.
3)Tell me about Northern & Southern Egypt.
Southern Egypt contains low mountains and deserts. Northern Egypt has wide valleys and deserts to the east and the west.
4)Egypt is home to which animals? Which plants?
Cheetahs, hyenas, crocodiles and cobras. The plants are oasis', costal wetlands and what not.
5)What did the Egyptians leave paintings & carvings of?
Elephant, hippos, leopards and cheetahs.
6)Civilization was established by what year? How long ago did they settle there?
3000 BC.
7)When did Lower & Upper Egypt unite?
Around 3100 BC
8) When did Egypt fall under Roman control? When did Muslims take over Egypt?
31 BC.
9)Who invaded Egypt in 1882? What did they want? When did Egypt declare independence?
The Birtish.
10)90 percent of Egyptians are what religion?
11)Why is overcrowding a problem in Egypt today?
Too many people in too little a place.
12)Why are children highly valued in their culture?
Cuz they help farm families.
13)What type of gov't is Egypt today?
A democratic republic.
14)What is Egypt's largest single source of foreign income? Why do you think that is?
15)What is the official name of Egypt?
Arab Republic of Egypt.
16)What is the capital of Egypt?
17)What is the population/official language of Egypt?
78, 887, 007....Arabic
18)What's the currency in Egypt? (Money)

Monday, September 14, 2009

Soooo....this is ran-dumb...

Uhhhhhhh.....Bored....Hungry..listening to Logan talk....
Mrs. Randal keeps yelling at us and telling us something about a "bell"??? :)

Like....Really??? What in the world does a bell have to do with World History????


Da new blog stufz....

Section Review Chapter 5 1&2
2)Medeteranian Sea, Sahara, Red Sea
3)Kemet the sea bed of African cultures,land of HamAigyptos
4)because African culture strated there
5)lower Egypyt and upper Egypt,lower is in north egypt and upper is in south egypt, mennes
6)Near the Nile river
7)Egypt was the greatest and most magnificentpower of the ancient world.
8)It flooded and made the soil fertile and it sustained life
9)Napoleon invaded egypt and his men discovered a broken slab of black basalt near the town of rosetta. Champollion and other scholars deciphered it
10)Memphis and Thebes.
11)teh pyramid because it resembled the Social Arragement. Pharoah on top.Nobles in the middle and everyone else on bottom
12)They were humanistic, naturalistic and polytheistic in their religious faith. The egyptians treasured life in this world and did all in their power to ensure immorality in the next world.

1)Isthmus of Suez- connected Asia to Africa
2)Copts- ancient Egyptians
3)nomes- small states
4)Herodotus- "the father of history"
5)Nile Delta- a rich alluvian plain of fertile soil
6)hieroglyphics- written egyptian developed from picture writing into a highly elaborated system of some 700 characters
7)Book of the Dead- teh most important egyptian work. a book of prayers
8)necropolis- "city of the dead"
9)Great Pyramid of Cheops- one of the wonders of the world
10)Tutankhamen- a teenaged pharoah who died at 18
11)mummification- teh preservation of the bodies of the dead

Matt's scorez: 20%
Logan's Scores: 80%

For dat china game:
Matt: 50%

Logan: 20%

Friday, September 11, 2009

"Tomb of the Unknown Mummy" game:

Logan: found 11 artifacts and used 3.6 lanterns.
I think this game is absoulty amazing. i have learned soo much from playing this, and i loved it so much that i am going to go download it when i get home later. i think that everyone in the whole world should play this game if they ever want to be really smart or ever do anythiong good in life... excelent game, STRAIGHT UP.

Matt: found 10 artifacts and used 3.4 lanterns.
this game is where it's at. i loved it. and i am about to go play it again, and at the same time go get a lot smarter from playing it. amazing...

"Daily Life in Ancient Egypt" brainteaser quiz

Logan: 6 out of 12 correct...

Matt: 10 out of 12 correct...

Thursday, September 10, 2009


His life at school was wierd....Older pupils beat the younger ones for not doing their homework.
Schoolwork was written in ink on pieces of broken stone or pottery or wooden boards.
Scribes taught their own sons and sometimes larger groups.

They built their houses above the "Nile Flood Level".
Some houses were built from brick and others were built by river mud.

Matt's score: 8 out of 10!
Logan's score: ate out of 10.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The questions and what not....

1)What is a "stela"?
A decorated stone.
2) What type of writing did Ancient Egyptians use?
3) Once you decipher the hieroglyphs, what does it spell?
4) Once you descend into the tomb, what do you find?
Canopic jars, statues of Anubis, and a coffin, shabti figures and scarab amulets.
5) What do the statues represent?
Their gods and their spirits.
6)Describe the gods of the Ancient Egyptians.
They had human bodies and animal heads that represented what powers they had.
7) What are the "canopic" jars? What's in them?
They held organs such as lungs, and other vital organs.
8) What is the coffin made of?
Wood and plaster and paint.

Matt's paragraph: The Egyptians were very superstitious. They believed in many gods, or were otherwise known as, polytheists. They mixed animals with humans for their gods. They wrapped their people up like mummies. They didn't love Jesus.

Logan's paragraph: They ate cats. They ate othe food. They persecuted the Israelites. They hated them.